How to easily cure nail psoriasis. The causes of the disease.

Nail psoriasis is a disease that affects people of any age. This disease is a consequence of disturbances in the body's immune system is chronic, relapses. The development of the disease contribute to human genes, which are responsible for the immune system. But psoriasis is a disease that can be treated, and preventive measures will help prevent its development.

What is nail psoriasis?

psoriasis of the nails

The so-called disease, the external manifestation of which are the various visible damage to the nail plate. It can be small holes of different diameter, randomly distributed on the nail, detachment of the nail, which can be partial, and can lead to complete loss of the nail plate.

Psoriasis the nail plates is accompanied by a change in its colour: can appear white spots, the nail may turn yellow or even dark brown and even black. If psoriasis of the nail affects the blood vessels that may appear red streaks. Any change in the color of the nail plate must be a reason for the examination.

The disease can appear depressions in the nail plate. Sometimes the edge of the nail is visibly compacted and stratified.

These symptoms require attention and preventive measures. If the disease psoriasis of the nails is confirmed, you need immediate treatment because the disease does not pass, and late or inadequate treatment can lead to serious complications.

Causes of psoriasis of the nails

The tendency to psoriasis is observed in people who have relatives suffering from such a disease. The possibility of transmission at the genetic level, for this disease has a high percentage of probability, but is not mandatory.

Sometimes psoriasis occurs in people whose relatives suffered from this disease. The reasons for its occurrence may be other factors:

  • Stress. In some patients the onset of psoriasis occurred after experienced nervous shock. In such moments the body is critically weakened, which contributes to the development of the disease. High stress makes the nervous system to switch from the protective functions of the organism to the restoration of nerve cells, which leads to weakening of the immune system, incorrect reactions to the stimuli of psoriasis and the development of the disease.
  • The viral infection. The disease is dangerous for its complications, including the possibility of developing psoriasis. The weakening of the organism, treatment with antibiotics can cause nail psoriasis. Even worse, if the infection is not treated properly or treatment was insufficient.
  • Hormonal disturbances. Age-related changes in the body, medications that contain hormones, can lead to the development of nail psoriasis. In such periods it is necessary to maintain the body with vitamins and to be attentive to the condition of nail plates.
  • Violation of metabolism. The cause of psoriasis may be a violation of the metabolism. Be attentive to the diet, try to spend more time in the fresh air, watch your weight.
  • Heredity. Psoriasis is a disease that can be inherited, but this does not always occur. If your close relatives suffer from psoriasis, be careful to the first symptoms of its manifestation, because in the initial stage the treatment is much more effective.

Home treatment psoriasis nails


If psoriasis of the nails is at an early stage, seen only the first signs of the disease, treatment can begin at home.

Before starting treatment, be sure to perform a diagnosis, to rule out a fungal disease, which by their appearance is very similar to psoriasis.

Treatment of psoriasis of the nails should start from the "inside". Be sure to take vitamins containing calcium. They will help to strengthen the structure of the nail plate and make it less susceptible to pathogens.

Note the vitamin complexes that help normalize the metabolism. These are vitamins A, b, C, E, P, which strengthen the body and improve the condition of nails. Thanks to them, in the body start to absorb the much needed for proper growth substances.

Psoriasis is the result of suffering stress and psychological fatigue," therefore, in the complex treatment of pay attention to the intake of sedatives and essential as the rest.

Will be useful baths for nails with a decoction of medicinal herbs (recommended: chamomile, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort). To prepare the decoction on a water bath, combination of herbs can be arbitrary. Dip your nails in the tub with warm water and hold hands for 10-15 minutes until cool water. Be sure to apply nail oil and hand cream.

To confront the manifestations of psoriasis would help the rubbing and compresses oil (recommended: olive oil, sunflower oil and oils of conifers). A small amount of oil rubbed into the nail plate before bed. Oils soften the nail, saturate it with the necessary nutrients of the oils of coniferous plants have anti-inflammatory effect. The procedure does not take much time and does not require additional preparation.

Treatment in the initial stages of manifestation of the disease is quite effective, but if the nail psoriasis is in the running state, home treatment should be combined with medical under the supervision of experts.

Nail treatment for psoriasis

Nail psoriasis is a chronic disease that can be repeated for any reasons that trigger its appearance are: stress, disease, violation of diet. If illness should follow the recommendations of doctors, which hindered the manifestation of the disease:

  • By contact with household chemicals remember to protect gloves, as the impact of the funds may trigger a relapse of the disease. Included in the substances destroy the natural structure of the nail plate, weakening it, which will help to lead to the emergence of the first signs of disease.
  • Try to avoid nail plate injuries: even a minor spark can lead to the formation of infectious the nest.
  • Follow hand hygiene.
  • If psoriasis of the nails have already been demonstrated, it is not recommended to do beauty treatments on nails. Building and coating of gel is strictly forbidden, since the closed nail plate the progression of the disease will not be immediately noticed, which can lead to complications. Not recommended even with decorative varnish.
  • Nails affected by psoriasis, it is better short cut: appearance of the patient's nail is far from aesthetically pleasing; sick long nails contribute to the development of the disease. The affected area should be cut.
  • Do not leave nail psoriasis without attention! Be sure to treat!

Diet for psoriasis of the nails

food for psoriasis

If your nails suffer from psoriasis, you must be sure to organize your meals to the body receives essential nutrients, and the food is not to be harmed. Doctors ' recommendations regarding diet in disease are the following:

  • Daily take at least 8 glasses of water in addition to juices and other beverages. The body should be able to "wash" themselves from harmful substances.
  • Eliminate from your diet: alcohol, even with small degrees, smoked and salty foods, coffee, fizzy drinks, crisps. Do not add vinegar to the food, flavors and spices. It is recommended to replace the sugar sucrose. It is not necessary to eat lots of fruit and berries red, as contained in these substances contribute to the development of the disease.
  • Maximize the amount of vegetables in your diet: they contain fiber, which helps remove toxins from the intestines.
  • Eat lean beef, liver. Eliminate smoked meat, bacon.
  • Recommend limiting intake of dairy products. But be sure to eat low-fat cottage cheese and hard cheeses.
  • Enter in the diet legumes, which can become a side dish for lean meat or Turkey.
  • Eat cereal grains (wheat, corn, buckwheat). It is advisable to cook them in milk, and on the water.

To cure nail psoriasis only by diet is impossible, but you can help the body to resist the manifestation of the disease.

Causes of relapse of psoriasis of the nails

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, relapse is possible. To provoke the re-emergence of any causes: nervous tension, stress, other disease.

To avoid relapse, you must be attentive to his diet, and overall health status, and stressful situations. Do not eat foods that may lead to malfunction of the digestive system. If you avoid a stressful situation is not possible, be sure to take anti-anxiety medications.

Stay on the coast will help to avoid reoccurrence of the disease or increase the interval between relapses. The influence of sunlight, sea water and warm sand are beneficial to the health and condition of the nail plate.

Make sure you take preventive procedures: every week, do the bath in the decoction of herbs, softens skin moisturizer. If the visible manifestations of the disease is not observed, apply to the nails medicated nail Polish.

Psoriasis on the nails completely cure is difficult, but with regular preventive measures and compliance with recommendations to avoid frequent relapses and complications.